Pre Primary Classrooms
The pre-primary classrooms are equipped with child-friendly furniture like low detachable tables and low chairs, arranged in groups for optimum interaction and intermingling amongst the children. The digital content is delivered by the teachers using Digital Technology and projecting it to the TV with the latest digital content helping the children enjoy learning and facilitate interaction. Every classroom has a student capacity of 30 to ensure an appropriate and better teacher attention to the children.
Primary Classrooms
The Primary classrooms are equipped with age appropriate and ergonomic furniture which provide the students ample space to keep their belongings and comfortable seating throughout the school hours. Every classroom has a student capacity of 40 to ensure optimum teaching- learning experience. Individual storage space is provided at this level, keeping in mind their physical comfort, security and safe-keeping of their belongings. TVs are integral features of the classroom, where teachers use Digital Technology to deliver digital contents to the students.